Models 1st Agency of Houston * Power House Dancers
Diverse Works Artspace and Infernal Bridegroom Productions present the World Premiere of KING UBU IS KING.
I will not rest until I have you holding a Coke, wearing your own shoe, playing a Sega
game featuring you, while singing your own song, in a new commercial starring you,
broadcast during the SuperBowl, in a game that you are winning. And I will not sleep until
that happens. It's what I do best. Give me fifteen minutes and call me back.
From the Movie: Jerry Maguire
Screenplay by: Cameron Crowe
Directed by: Cameron Crowe

EDWARD ALBEE signs autographs after Inprint Inc.'s playreading and interview session at Stages Repertory Theatre, March, 1998. Photo by Theresa Hyde
HoustonTheatre.com features EDWARD ALBEE: INPRINT INC.'S THE PLAY'S THE THING in March, 1998 at Stages Repertory Theatre. Stages Theatre's Production of ALL OVER in March, 1998. THE ALLEY THEATRE'S Production of THE ZOO STORY & THE AMERICAN DREAM. Other interviews and essays that depict the great influence that Edward Albee has had in Houston Theatre: PHIL FISHER'S CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE ALBEE KIND, Interview with Producing Director STEVE SPURGAT, and Director DARIN PAUL GARRETT for Douglas Mitchell's ANY OLD PASSION from June, 1997.

"View from the Upper Room" by John Biggers;
1998 MPH Featured Print Artist; The Museum of Printing History is located at 1324 W. Clay, between
Waugh Drive and Montrose. Please call 713-522-4652
So, Ok. Like, right now......for example.....the Haitians need to come to America. But some people
are all.....what about the strain on our resources. But it's like, when I had this garden party for my
father's birthday, right? I said RSVP because it was a sit-down dinner. But people came that, like,
did not RSVP. So, I was like, totally buggin. I had to haul ass to the kitchen, re-distribute the food,
squish in some extra place settings.....
But by the end of the day, it was like, the more the merrier. And so, if the government could just
get to the kitchen, re-arrange some things, we could certainly party with the Haitians. And in
conclusion, may I please remind you that it does not say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty! Thank
you very much.
From: Cher in the movie ClueLess
Written by: Amy Heckerling
Directed by: Amy Heckerling

"Masks" by Eugene Grigsby, Jr.;
1998 MPH Featured Print Artist; The Museum of Printing History is located at 1324 W. Clay, between
Waugh Drive and Montrose. Please call 713-522-4652

Stories About Us: Photographs from Juarez
Diverse Works ArtSpace....................Stories About Us: Photographs from Juarez
Exhibit Dates: February 27 through April 11, 1998
1117 East Freeway (I-10 at North Main), Houston, Texas 77002
Phone 713-223-8346.....E-mail: Info@diverworks.org...............www.diverseworks.org
Major support provided by Lannan Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts

"Profile In Blue" by Ron Adams;
1998 MPH Featured Print Artist; The Museum of Printing History is located at 1324 W. Clay, between
Waugh Drive and Montrose. Please call 713-522-4652

"CLEO" by Samuella Lewis;
1998 MPH Featured Print Artist; The Museum of Printing History is located at 1324 W. Clay, between
Waugh Drive and Montrose. Please call 713-522-4652
From the Movie: Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Screenplay by: Cameron Crowe
Based on the book by Cameron Crowe
Directed by: Amy Heckerling